190-LRC Belt Driven Live Roller Curve Section Conveyor

Our Model 190-LRC belt-driven, live-roller curve section conveyor provides a positive drive for negotiating 30°, 45°, 60°, or 90° turns. This conveyor section can be self-powered or slave-driven from a 190-ACC, LRS, or LRSS conveyor.

Series Specifications


Roller bed with 1.9″ diameter x 16 ga. galvanized tube rollers spaced every 3″ and 1.9″ diameter x 16 ga. galvanized tube pressure rollers spaced every 6″. Mounted in a 6-1/2″ x 12 ga. powder-painted, formed-steel channel frame, bolted together with butt couplings.

Butt Couplings

Butt type couplings are standard for connections to 190-ACC, 190-LRS, 190-LRSS, 190-ACZ, or 190-LR conveyors.

End Drive

Mounted underneath on the outside radius of the conveyor.


Endless B-section, aramid-core, V-belt drives each section of the conveyor.


Tread and pressure rollers have pre-lubricated ball bearings. Flange and pillow block have sealed, pre-lubricated bearings with eccentric lock collars. 

Speed Reduction

Sealed worm gear C-Face speed reducer with No. 50 chain to the drive shaft.

Conveying Speed

Constant 25 – 150 feet per minute.


Maximum load per linear foot of conveyor is 150 lbs.

Floor Supports


Technical Drawings