Protecting Your Employees with Building Access Cages

The global COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to rethink their policies as to who has access to their building and work areas. While temporarily eliminating cold calls and unscheduled visits may be the norm for many businesses in the current climate, that is not always possible if your company deals with shipping and receiving. 

In order to maintain business operations to the best of your abilities throughout this pandemic, now is the time to make some changes to your warehouse to protect your employees and the vendors you work in close contact with on a regular basis. 

Since drivers likely still need to get in and out of your building, it is necessary to take additional precautions to keep everyone safe. Driver access cages allow individuals to enter your warehouse or facility, interact with essential staff, get paperwork completed and be on their way, all while limiting their access to the secured area.

When installed inside the entrance door, these access cages create an 8’ x 8’ enclosure with wire mesh panels and posts that can be anchored to the floor, attached to walls, or be built free-standing. Most include a small window with a shelf so that paperwork can be processed and passed through, and a mesh roof can also be added for extra security.

The enclosure’s interior door can be fitted with a traditional key lock, keypad or a remotely controlled electric latch on the inside, with a push bar on the facility side allowing for employees to use the exit without any issues. This provides additional security now, as well as offers additional peace of mind for your employees even after this crisis passes.  

If you’re looking for a way to better protect your employees while also limiting the access that delivery drivers have to your facility, the material handling experts at Conveyer & Caster can help design an access cage to meet your specific needs. 

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